Patterns available as personalised PDF (outside NL only)
The patterns at this page are available as personalised PDF outside The Netherlands only.
You can order these patterns by filling out the contact form.
EU costomers can pay by PayPal or international banking, you will receive a payment request.
Customers outside the EU can pay by PayPal only.
Deze PDF patronen zijn alleen beschikbaar buiten Nederland.
Binnen Nederland worden de patronen opgestuurd per post, of kunt u ze in winkels of op beurzen kopen.
You can choose different sizes of paper and patterns:
Choose LETTER-INCH when you are used to print at letter sized paper and work in inches.
Choose A4-CM when you are used to print at A4 sized paper and work in centimeters / metric.
To understand the defference between Letter and A4 paper size, scroll all the way down.
Some patterns are available in CM only, paper size is always available in Letter and A4.
These patterns have extra fabric estimate guides for inches.
Fill out the form below to contact Heleen Pinkster Quilt Design.
Heleen will reply to your e-mail as soon as possible.
Because Heleen Pinkster Quilt Design is a one-woman (self-employed) business, this may take some time.
Please keep the time difference in mind, we have ‘Amsterdam time zone’.
On Sunday, days of workshops and exhibitions (see agenda), it may take some what longer.
Your understanding is appreciated.
When ordering, you will receive an e-mail as soon as possible, along with an invoice.
Because of copyright, your full name and address will be added to the pattern.
Personalising and translating will take some time, so a small surcharge will be added.
After receiving your payment, your order will be shipped by mail or e-mail.
This process could take some days.
Your order can payed by PayPal or international banking (for EU customers)
Sorry, books are not available as PDF.
PDF patterns LETTER and INCHES (or CM) | PDF patterns A4 and CM/METRIC |